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Why I Would Never Become a Lawyer

Not long ago someone mentioned to me that with all my legal experience in business that I ought to become a lawyer. Interestingly enough, if I was starting out today in business and going to school, I'd probably get a law degree and an MBA. But, today I am retired and I could not ever become a lawyer.
Why you ask, well from what I've seen and experiences, I really do not like that profession very much. And let's not get into any lawyer jokes here, but, I am not alone when I consider the damage that has been done to industry and small businesses by that profession. My golfing buddies believe that lawyers have hijacked our civilization.
Some say everything that is broken in America is the fault or partial fault of self-serving lawyers. Of course, from the lawyer's perspective they believe that if everything was running so smoothly, they would not have to get involved? You can see why this debate is so heavy and why folks feel so adamant about either side of this discourse on lawyers and industry or lawyers and society.
Indeed, folks should not sue each other, they should work things out. Nearly, everything we buy costs more due to lawyers in the background, that is a known fact, although the lawyers argue that if folks were more honest in their business dealings they would not be needed so often.
You know the funny thing in all this? Half of me wants to fix it all, fix the legal system in our nation. Actually run for office and fix our system, but the other half of realizes the lawmakers, politicians and lawyers that I'd have to deal with in order to do so, would be more than I'd ever wish to deal with.
Then there is the problem of what happens to you once you become a politician? And what if I became just like them in order to do it, because I am almost certain that is what you have to do to win? That's what happens in politics, it ruins good people. Oh well, I guess we should change the subject to something more positive? Ha ha ha.

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