If you are interested in the requirements to become a lawyer you are reading the right article. Back in the day when Abraham Lincoln became a lawyer law school didn't exist. Future lawyers received their training by working under the tutelage of an experienced and established attorney. All that changed in the 20th century as different courts began recognizing local bar associations as gatekeepers to the legal profession. These new gate keeps required law degrees and a great deal more education from prospective lawyers before allowing them to practice law in their jurisdiction.
Nowadays, in order to become a lawyer, one must posses a valid undergraduate degree from an accredited or equivalent (foreign) institution. This degree, in turn, will get you admitted to one of 200 law schools in the United States. Law schools scrutinize undergraduate transcripts and, generally speaking, favor grade point averages north of 3.0/4.0. Class work in history, political science, and philosophy are also looked up as strong preparation for the study of the law.
The second major requirement is that you take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) and score well on it. Generally speaking, a good LSAT score falls between 160 and 180. A score of 150-160 is average; while a score less than 150 is below average. Thus, it will be worth any potential applicant's time to work hard to improve their LSAT score. Remember to register early for the LSAT in order to leave yourself plenty of LSAT prep time.
In conclusion, an undergraduate degree from accredited institution, an excellent LSAT score, and relevant undergraduate coursework will do more than any other factor towards ensuring that you posses all the requirements to become a lawyer.
Nowadays, in order to become a lawyer, one must posses a valid undergraduate degree from an accredited or equivalent (foreign) institution. This degree, in turn, will get you admitted to one of 200 law schools in the United States. Law schools scrutinize undergraduate transcripts and, generally speaking, favor grade point averages north of 3.0/4.0. Class work in history, political science, and philosophy are also looked up as strong preparation for the study of the law.
The second major requirement is that you take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) and score well on it. Generally speaking, a good LSAT score falls between 160 and 180. A score of 150-160 is average; while a score less than 150 is below average. Thus, it will be worth any potential applicant's time to work hard to improve their LSAT score. Remember to register early for the LSAT in order to leave yourself plenty of LSAT prep time.
In conclusion, an undergraduate degree from accredited institution, an excellent LSAT score, and relevant undergraduate coursework will do more than any other factor towards ensuring that you posses all the requirements to become a lawyer.
Jeffrey Weir is a consultant, author and law school expert. His site about requirements to become a lawyer has helped countless students get started with their law careers.
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