Information on how to become a lawyer - including educational, training and licensing requirements. Becoming a lawyer is a difficult but rewarding process.


How to Become a Lawyer in the UK

In these times of financial uncertainty, some may think that simply getting any job is the best thing to do, then cling on to it it with both hands, praying that some young upstart doesn't take it away from you. However, for those who have more confidence in their abilities and are deciding on a future career path, then becoming a lawyer may not be a bad idea at all.
Many of the UK's major city's, such as Manchester will offer law courses; the University of Manchester is a particularly prestigious University to graduate from and acts as a 'feeder' into many of the city's top law firms, with many of Manchester's lawyers being educated within the city.
There are many pros and cons to assess when deciding on whether or not to become a lawyer; sure, the image of wealthy solicitors cashing their huge pay checks each month, while they recline in their super-sleek offices, a young secretary tending to their every need is a fun one and in some cases very achievable, yet there is a lot of work that goes in to getting there.
Firstly, you will need to either go to University to study law, or complete a law conversion course; this is no mean feat; a Manchester lawyer completed a study that showed that an inordinate amount of students take up smoking during these courses to help deal with the stress.
However, for the hard-working students out there, the pay off can be great; if you receive a placement in a top law firm to finish your LPC training, then there is every chance that they will offer you a job at the end of it, depending on whether you impress them enough!
So after five or so years of training and studying, you can begin to practice law; every area has its niches and variants, however many young lawyers will begin with simple cases, working in large teams until they have proven there capability to handle cases on their own.
Once you start handling large cases, then the big bucks that you have been dreaming of can start rolling in, as many lawyers will receive commission on top of their wage, so usually, the bigger the case, the bigger the pay off.
Becoming a lawyer is not all about money though; it is about helping people and businesses achieve solutions to their problems; if you are a caring, hard working individual who enjoys seeing things through to the end, then a career in law may be worth considering.

About this Author

David Harfield is a freelance copywriter who a wide variety of subjects. For more information, visit his personal website for an overview of his work and further contact details.

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