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Become a Lawyer - Taking the Bar Exam is a Must to Be an Attorney So Know the Facts

After you finish law school if you want to practice law in your state then you are going to have to take the bar exam and each state it is different. If you move to another state then you will have to retake the exam in that state because each state has its own criteria for passing. The two general areas for licensing are Character & Competence. Competence is best established by the educational background of the applicant and Character is determined by the work the person has done before they applied.
The exam itself is given in the months of Feb and July and deadlines and application fees will vary as well from state to state. All law students should check with there jurisdiction to see what is required to take the test. There are multiple test that will need to be completed but these vary as well. Washington, Louisiana, and Puerto Rico are the only states that do not require the Multi state Bar Exam but all others do.
The Multi state bar exam The exam is given with 200 multiple choice questions that needs to be answered over a six hour period on the following subjects: Real Property, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law/Procedure, Evidence, Torts, Contracts/Sales. The National Conference of Bar Examiners makes the questions for the Muti State test but each state has its own scoring system for there test.
23 different states use the Multi state Performance Test and is used to help attorneys with there practical skills. You will be required to complete different lawyer situations and how you will react to these situations.
Remember the most important thing you need to do if you are going to take the bar exam is to check with your jurisdiction to see what the requirements are for that state.
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Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Legal Issues and Finding Attorneys.

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